Frequently Asked
We are made up of earnest, empathetic, knowledgeable, optimistic and trustworthy team members we recognize that insurance is a promise.
Frequently Asked
An HO3 insurance policy is the most commonly written type of homeowners insurance policy. It covers anything that happens to your home except things which are specifically excluded – meaning they are written down in a list in your policy as not covered. An HO3 policy will generally cover any and all damage to your home with the exception of flooding (which is generally covered separately in the State of Florida by policies issued through the National Flood Insurance Program), damage done to vacant properties by vandals or unattended pipes, damage caused by neglect, damage caused by earthquake, nuclear disaster, or terrorism, etc. Reading your HO3 policy thoroughly and understanding the exclusions is an important part of purchasing a homeowners insurance policy. Ask your Olympus Insurance agent to help you determine if you need more coverage than an HO3 policy provides.
The State of Florida does not require that you carry homeowners insurance. However, if you carry a mortgage on your home, your financial institution will almost certainly require that you carry insurance to protect their interests. If you own your home free and clear, you may opt to carry homeowners insurance to help protect your investment. If you buy into a condominium or townhouse, the board may require you carry part or all of the insurance responsibility. If you own an investment home that you rent out, you may need to carry renters insurance. Ask your agent which type of policy is appropriate for your needs.
Homeowners insurance premiums may be affected by the age of your home, roof and its construction, or by its location and proximity to dangers (such as flood zones) and emergency services (such as the fire department). Protective devices like burglar alarms, upgraded door and window locks, smoke and CO2 detection systems, or fire extinguishers and sprinkler fire suppression systems may help lower your premium, as can impact resistant glass or hurricane shutters. If you have a pool, the type of security in place around it may also affect your premiums. Ask your agent if you think any of the above may apply.
A home inventory is a list of all valuables in your home. A good home inventory will also include photographs of each item, including any model or serial numbers, and receipts showing when and where each item was purchased as well as the price paid, along with any recent appraisals of high ticket items. Having a home inventory can help your insurance company reimburse you correctly after a home disaster or robbery. Ask your agent if they have suggestion about items you may wish to list.
Your homeowners insurance may have a caps on coverage limits that can vary based on your individual needs. If the limit is not sufficient to cover luxury items or valuable collections you own, you can purchase a separate policy that provides scheduled or enhanced coverage. This policy will help cover specific items of value in your home in case of theft or other loss. Ask your agent if you are unsure about an item’s value and whether or not it is covered.
Policy language can be exceedingly specific and vary from carrier to carrier. At Olympus we cover damage to your home, pool, and any structures on your property such as pool screens, docks, or fences if damaged by a covered peril, but other carriers may offer different coverage options or exclude the coverage completely. Ask your agent if you are unsure about what is covered under your policy.
Section I of your homeowners insurance policy covers damage to your property. Section II provides personal liability coverage in case someone is injured on the property.
An actual cash value reimbursement is equal to the current value of the item or structure, which depreciates over time. Replacement cost will cover whatever is necessary to replace the item or structure lost. Ask your agent about your specific policy and what it covers.
Your deductible is the dollar amount or percentage you will be responsible for in case of a claim. Your deductible will vary depending on your policy and any additional riders. Your hurricane deductible, which applies only to damage caused by named storms, may be a different amount than your “all other perils” (AOP) deductible, which covers damage done by other causes, such as burglary, fire, vandalism, water damage, or windstorms that are not part of a named storm. You may be able to secure a lower annual premium by raising your deductible, or a lower deductible by raising your annual premium.
Call Olympus first, no matter what kind of damage your home has sustained. We can help make sure you get the service you need from a reputable contractor. If anyone offers to eliminate your deductible, or asks you to sign anything – especially an Assignment of Benefits (AOB) form – politely decline and call Olympus to avoid fraud and help protect yourself. Ask your agent for more information about the correct claims process.
Olympus doesn’t automatically exclude water damage due to a leak that has been occurring over two weeks or longer. Call Olympus first, and we can help you determine if your water damage is covered.
Call Olympus first. We can work with you to get your claim settled quickly and your home restored. You won’t have to negotiate with your neighbor or their insurance company; we’ll take care of the details.
Even if the damage to your home was the fault of a manufacturer or technician, call Olympus first. We can help you quickly restore your life to normal, and if necessary we can recover the costs of paying your claim later through subrogation of the responsible party.
Flooding is not covered under standard HO3 policies, but flood coverage can be crucial for protection of your Florida home. Flood insurance is available through insurance agents or directly from the National Flood Insurance Program, and premiums are set by FEMA for federal flood insurance policies purchased for moderate and low-risk areas. Flood insurance may be required by your mortgage holder if you live in a high-risk flood zone, and premiums for those regions may be higher than the national standard.
Olympus provides protection in case of accidental loss, theft, or “mysterious disappearance” under our Scheduled Personal Property Coverage.
Olympus offers up to $10,000 in coverage on property on the “residence premises” used at any time or in any manner for any business purpose when you purchase Spartan Enhanced Coverage.
Olympus offers several types of discounts and credits on premiums. Having a particular type of roof or a roof 2002 or newer, or installing a home security system are just a few ways you may be able to lower your annual premium. Ask your agent about potential discounts and credits.
Olympus offers Scheduled Personal Property Coverage for broader protection with higher coverage limits, and Spartan Enhanced Coverage to provide up to five times more protection for your home, personal property, and personal liability.
Yes, to report a claim, call our Claims Team 24/7 at 866.281.2242 or complete our online claims form.
Yes, Olympus has prepared a comprehensive claims kit to assist you through the claims process if you should ever need to file a claim.
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