A close up of a bunch of rings in a box.Frame

Scheduled Personal
Property Coverage

There are valuable items you may have that require extra protection beyond what standard homeowners insurance policies offer. Olympus provides enhanced coverage with higher limits for "Scheduled Personal Property," safeguarding items like your fine jewelry, furs, art, musical instruments, upscale furnishings, and other luxury assets.

A jewelry box filled with lots of different types of jewelry.

Scheduled Property vs.

Unscheduled personal property refers to items that might fall under your regular personal property coverage but have not been individually listed on your policy. Such property is subject to the standard coverage limits (and sub-limits) outlined in your homeowners, renters, or condo insurance policy. Your agent can assist you in determining if additional coverage is necessary for any unscheduled belongings you possess.

Coverage additions with Scheduled Personal

Valuables you should consider for scheduled personal property coverage:

Art and antiques
Stamp and coin collections
Jewelry and furs
Musical instruments

Coverage Additions:

Coverage for lost or stolen items, also known as “mysterious disappearance”.
Itemized coverage based on agreed-upon value (either determined before policy inception or added midterm). No sub-limits.
There is no deductible
Automatic 90-day coverage on new items according to the limits of your current schedule.
Our Spartan Enhanced Endorsement Package may also be an option for you as it includes increased limits for jewelry, furs, and more!
Learn more
A grand piano in a room with a brick wall.

Other Insurance

A row of white houses with palm trees.

Florida Townhouse Insurance

Every household in Florida faces the potential of flood damage, including those in designated "low-risk" areas- we have a solution!

A man sitting on top of a roof using a laptop computer.

Solar Panel Endorsement Coverage

For the homeowner who has gone green with Solar! Our solar solutions include coverage for a variety of products including solar panels and solar roofs. In today's world, homes are integrating advanced solar technology, and we aim to provide coverage options for it!

A shovel and three flags in the grass.

Buried Utility Line Coverage

BUL Coverage protects homeowners against the expense of costly excavation and damage to repair or replace underground utility wiring and piping.

A person holding a smart phone in a living room.

Equipment Breakdown

Protection sophisticated household equipment. From kitchen appliances to home entertainment equipment to air-conditioning systems, more and more of today’s homes are outfitted with sophisticated equipment. We offer equipment breakdown coverage through an optional endorsement.
