Our Storm Season Preparedness Checklist for Florida Homeowners
In preparation for the upcoming Florida storm season, there are many things you can do to help minimize damage in case of a hurricane and protect your home and valuables. This checklist can help you make sure you’re not missing any important steps:
- Create a family catastrophe plan. This should include how you’ll regroup and stay in touch in case you are separated when a storm begins.
- Pack your “bug out” bags. These should hold flashlights, batteries, a radio, phone chargers and energy banks, a warm blanket, bottled water, non-perishable food, any necessary medications, and changes of clothes for each person. Include copies of important documents like your homeowners insurance policy and health insurance cards, your personal information and contact lists, and some cash.
- Turn your refrigerator and freezer settings to blast. Cold items will remain cold for 4 hours at least if the door is left closed, and frozen items can stay frozen for up to 48 hours. If there is a power outage, you can possibly prevent loss of expensive food.
- Bring loose items inside. Lawn chairs, BBQ grills, and other items that aren’t tied down can become flying objects of destruction. Put them in a shed or garage to avoid taking out a window.
- Trim back trees and bushes. Having a licensed professional handle some quick landscaping can help reduce the risk of damage being done to your home and property by flying branches during storm season.
- Seal doors and windows. Engage a licensed professional to review all openings for areas of possible water intrusion. Consider adding storm shutters to your windows for added protection, as well as impact resistant glass.
- Shift indoor furniture. To protect against storm season flood damage, move upholstered furniture to higher floors, and consider packing as many of your belongings as possible in waterproof containers and setting them on high shelves on the ground floor. Tape over electrical outlets with layers of water resistant tape.
- Prep your pool. Lower the water six inches, add extra chlorine, and turn off electricity to the pool pump. If you have one, cover your pool with an approved, secure pool cover.
- Protect beachfront exposures. Trailers and boats should be safely stored inside a garage or boathouse if possible, or lash them firmly to the ground or mooring. Look for debris that could be hurled inland, and clean up thoroughly, including driftwood or bottles and cans left on the beach.
- Keep your insurance information handy. Have the contact information available for your insurance company’s claims department stored in your phone in case of water damage, and written down somewhere, too, in case your battery dies. You should always call your insurance company immediately if your home is damaged by a storm.
These 10 hurricane preparation tips can help you protect your property and recover faster in the event of a tropical storm or hurricane making landfall in your area. For more information about storm seasons and how to prepare please don’t hesitate to contact us.